Revised 8/6/2011
Back in the 1950s when Roger Revelle was pondering the relationship between atmospheric CO2 and the oceans (CLCC - 1), he concluded that the oceans weren't an unlimited sink that would go on dissolving CO2 forever and keep atmospheric concentrations from getting out of hand. The so-called "Revelle Factor" is a measure of the resistance of the ocean's surface to dissolve CO2 because CO2, the gas, has to dissociate into bicarbonate ions (HCO3-). and carbonate ions (CO3= ) at the water's surface in order to enter into solution. Thus, there's a chemical equilibrium established between the HCO3- and the CO3= ions at the
sea surface and the molecular CO2 in the air. The equilibrium of the current system is such that for every ten additional ppmv of CO2 in the air, only one ppmv of CO2 dissociates at the ocean's surface and goes into solution. Now, the argument that proponents of Anthropogenic Global Warning (AGW) are trying to make is that CO2 is entering the atmosphere because of "human activity", which is true, but human activity may not be the whole story. Here's the argument some scientists are making: - Global warming is causing more CO2 in the atmosphere.
As any high school chemistry class teaches, many chemical reactions are reversible. Anything that disrupts the equilibrium of a chemical system will drive the reaction either forward or in reverse until equilibrium is regained. So we have a system in which the dissolved carbonate and (predominately) bicarbonate ions in the sea are in equilibrium with the CO2 molecules in the air. If the oceans are heating up, which we're told they are, the equilibrium will be shifted towards dissolved CO2 (in its ionic forms) reconstituting into airborne CO2 molecules at the ocean's surface and entering the atmosphere. It's a two-step process that looks like this:
Warmer <--------------------------
(carbon dioxide molecule) CO2 + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + HCO3- (bicarbonate ion)
(bicarbonate ion) HCO3- + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + CO3= (carbonate ion)
------------------------------> Cooler
So, in a nutshell, the CO2 in the atmosphere is in equilibrium with bicarbonate and carbonate in the ocean. A warm ocean tends to drive the whole reaction to the left to produce carbon dioxide from its water solution (a process known as outgassing). Cold water will cause the equilibrium to shift to the right, causing more carbon dioxide to enter into solution in the ocean.
It's easy to visualize this when you consider that 98% of the total CO2 on the planet's surface is dissolved in the oceans as carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and carbonate. Only 2% is in the air, so it doesn't take a really big equilibrium swing to push some of that dissolved 98% CO2 abundance out into the air.
So how could the oceans be heating up by themselves - without any help from the man-made greenhouse effect? It would have to be the sun, according to many astrophysicists, one of which is Dr. Willie Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, whom I referenced in my previous post. Let's have another look at the Hubert Lamb chart (the bottom one):
Let's compare that with a record of observed sunspots encompassing the same time period:
This chart tracks sunspot activity over the course of the last millennium. It's kind of a funny chart - it's read from right to left, with the recent past expressed on the left side of the chart. In other words, it's a backwards chart.
Now if you could flip this chart around and compare it to the climatic data from Hubert Lamb, you'd see a striking resemblance. Here's another sunspot chart that can be read the normal way - from left to right:
This is a zoomed-in version - it only shows the last 400 years beginning with the Maunder Minimum - which coincides with the Little Ice Age. From about 1665 to about 1700 there were only about 1/800th as many sunspots as usual. Relatively speaking, the sun was taking a long nap.
According to astrophysicists, more sunspot activity means a more active, hotter sun. The connection between sunspots and the climate was cited by astronomer John A. Eddy in a paper he published in 1976. Historical records of sunspot observations were meticulously consolidated in the late nineteenth century by Gustav Spörer and Edward Maunder that included post-Galileo telescopic observations and pre-Galileo naked-eye observations of the sun when it was low in the sky. Eddy supplemented the Spörer - Maunder data with proxy data obtained from carbon-14 (14C) levels found in tree rings. There's an inverse relationship between solar activity and the presence of 14C that is, when 14C levels in tree rings were low, solar activity was high, and vise versa. Tree rings, by the way, are also a means in determining temperatures in the past, they can establish a direct link between temperatures and solar activity.
On a mucher longer scale, proxy evidence holds that there have been warmer periods interspersed with cooler periods over several thousand years. There was a substantial warm-up during Roman times, and another one during the Minoan Civilization between the 15th and 20th centuries B.C., each warm period being followed by a cool one.
Many paleoclimatologists believe that, historically, CO2 concentrations follow the earth’s temperature up and down over time instead of the other way around. In other words, when the sun is more active and heats up the Earth, more CO2 enters the atmosphere, and when the sun takes a nap the Earth cools and CO2 dissolves back into the oceans and seas.
The paleologic record, however, is inconclusive on any hypothetical link between global temperature and CO2 concentrations - there are a lot of complex variables that determine climate over vast timescales, so the warming-leads-to-CO2 theorists will have to rely on sunspot records and historical anecdotal evidence going back centuries, or at the most, millennia, to argue their case. Nevertheless, here are some paleologic charts to illustrate how difficult it is to make a convincing argument one way or another. Note: these charts are laid out temporally from right to left - they're backwards.
ABOVE - a temperature chart covering the last 550 million years
ABOVE - a temperature chart of the last 600 million years – pretty much the same as the one above it. Note that today's temperature is the lowest global temperature in more than 600 million years.
ABOVE: A chart of the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere during the last 600 million years
Finally, here's the chart I put up in Part 4 (CLCC - 4) - the one where the temperature readings are exaggerated. This is a very crude chart - with data points every fifty million years. The data points represent the average values of each parameter for each of the 12 periods from the Pre-Cambrian to the present epoch.
There is a vague resemblance to the more precise graphs above, especially the CO2. Stay tuned.
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